Plantation Orchid Society, Inc.

Affiliated with the American Orchid Society




                The principal office of the organization shall be in the City of Plantation, State of Florida.


                The purpose of the Society is to stimulate interest, provide education and enable exchange of information among those interested in the culture of orchids in all its aspects.


A R T I C L E   I



                Qualification of Members and the manner of their admission shall be as follows: A prospective member shall be eligible to submit the application for membership after he or she has attended one regular monthly meeting. Each member shall pay an annual membership fee of $25.  Additional family members residing in the same household shall pay an annual membership fee of $15.  These fees may be adjusted annually. All   regular members shall pay dues, be eligible to vote, and be eligible to hold office.

                The annual dues are due and payable by the first meeting in July for the ensuing year. No dues are refundable except by action of the Executive Board. Any regular membership shall be terminated if dues are not paid by the first meeting in July. If a member joins in January or thereafter, they shall pay $15.

                Any membership may be cancelled at any time by a vote of majority of a quorum of the Executive Board, after proper investigation and hearing.  The newsletter will be distributed via email and posted on the Plantation Orchid Society webpage.  Members requiring a hardcopy of the newsletter shall be charged a surcharge fee (to be determined annually).

A R T I C L E   II



                The Executive Board shall consist of: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Trustees comprising the Board of Trustees.

                The Executive Board shall have general charge and direction of the affairs and business of the Society; the care and management of the Society’s funds and other properties, with the power to dispose of them as may best serve the interests of the Society. Any member of the Executive Board who has not adequately attended to his/her duties, either by reason of illness or any other cause, or who has four unexcused absences from the Executive Board meetings may, by a majority vote of the remaining Board members, be recommended to the membership for removal from office. All vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by nomination from the Executive Board to the Society membership for their majority vote.




                The Board of Trustees shall consist of five members – two nominated for a two-year term, two serving the second year of their term, and a Past-President. The Trustees shall give approval of the bank used for deposit of the Society’s funds. They shall approve the Audit Committee’s report and can call for a special audit at any time when circumstances warrant. At any time, when the growth of the Society warrants it, the Board of Trustees may employ an outside independent auditor. The Board of Trustees shall have supervision over the financial and physical matters of the Society.





                Meetings of Society members shall be held monthly when practicable. The time and place of the meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board and due notice given to the membership. Twenty (20) percent plus one of all members must be present in person to constitute a quorum. For any vote of the membership to carry, fifty (50) percent plus one for all votes cast must be for the action.

                Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at such time and place as the Board members may determine. A majority of the Board Members shall constitute a quorum. For any vote of the Executive Board to carry, fifty (50) percent plus one of all votes cast must be for the action.

                All meetings of the Society and the Executive Board shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.


A R T I C L E   IV



                It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society and all meetings of the Executive Board; to call such meetings as are herein provided; to have general supervision over the affairs of the Society; to appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Board; to make an annual report at the June meeting of the Society. At no time during his/her tenure in office, shall the President hold a position of Committee Chairperson. The President shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obligations, unless otherwise provided by special vote of the Executive Board, and no contract shall be binding on the Society unless so signed. All written contracts and obligations in excess of fifty dollars must have the approval of the Executive Board before Execution.


A R T I C L E   V



                The First Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence from an Executive Board or Society meeting. He/she shall serve as Program and Plant Table Committee Chairman. He/she shall serve as Chairman of the Committee to secure plants for special occasions.

                The Second Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and First Vice-President. He/she shall serve as Membership Committee Chairperson.

A R T I C L E   VI



                The Secretary shall keep a true record of all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Board. He/she shall have general charge of the records and other general books of the Society. All minute books, the Certificate of Incorporation, and the By-Laws shall be available to all members at each regular meeting, and at other times by request. The Secretary shall also conduct the correspondence of the Society and the Executive Board and shall keep copies of same. He/she shall give notice of all meetings in accordance with these By-Laws. He/she shall perform such other clerical duties as he/she may be called upon to do by the President or the Executive Board. He/she shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents.





                The Treasurer shall keep a true and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of the Society.   He/she shall receive all monies belonging to the Society and deposit said funds in the name of the Society in such bank as approved by the Board of Trustees. He/she shall pay all the set monthly obligations of the Society, not in excess of fifty dollars, without prior approval of the Executive Board. All other obligations are to be submitted to the Executive Board for approval before payment. The Treasurer shall submit a statement of his accounts at each meeting of the Executive Board and a written report of the audit at the January meeting of the Society. His/her books shall be, at all reasonable times, open for inspection by the Executive Board, Membership and Auditing Committee. The Treasurer’s records shall be audited in December by the Auditing Committee or by an outside independent public accountant as designed by the Board of Trustees.





                The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President for a two year term of office. The Parliamentarian shall see that the affairs of the Society are handled in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws and any subsequent amendments. He/she shall attend all Executive Board meetings, but will have no vote. He/she shall also attend regular Society meetings and shall see that the Executive Board and Society meetings are conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.

                The Historian shall be appointed by the President for a two-year term of office. The Historian shall keep a scrapbook of all publicity releases pertaining to the Society and its activities; keeping trophies and ribbons and make these available for Society viewing; and keeps a record of the history of the Society and its activities.

                The Webmaster shall be appointed by the President for a two-year term of office. The Webmaster shall maintain the Society’s website. 

A R T I C L E   IX



                There shall be nine standing Committees as follows: Membership; Program and Plant Table; Newsletter; Auditing; Show Entry and Exhibit; House; Publicity; Workshop and Sunshine. The President shall also appoint other Committees from time to time as are necessary for the proper orientation of the Society. Committee Chairperson should attend Executive Board Meetings, but will not have a vote.




                The Second Vice-President shall serve as Chairperson of the Membership Committee. The Committee shall receive applications for membership as set forth in ARTICLE I. The Membership Chairperson shall turn over the annual dues to the Treasurer and shall issue the membership card. The Chairperson shall issue membership cards and keep a complete, accurate membership file of all Society members at all times. Annually at the October meeting, the Chairperson shall submit to the Executive Board a true and correct list of all Society members; one copy to be placed in the Society’s minute book, one copy to be given to the Secretary, and one copy to be given to the Nominating Committee. The Chairperson shall provide name tags and the guest book at the Society’s monthly meetings.



                The First Vice-President shall serve as Chairperson of this Committee. He/she shall arrange informative programs to be presented to the Society at each monthly meeting. The subject matter shall be either educational and/or cultural as it pertains to the orchids. The Chairperson will, whenever possible, purchase plants from the guest speaker. The Chairperson is authorized to arrange purchase of plants for the Plant Table as specified by the Executive Board. The additional Committee members shall be responsible for plant ticket sales and drawings and shall keep accurate records of income derived. Monies collected shall be turned over to the Treasurer for deposit in the Society bank account.



                The Chairperson (Editor) shall be responsible for the monthly publication of the Newsletter.



                The Auditing Committee shall be composed of three qualified members to check the Society’s books and records of account prior to December 31st of each year and shall present a written report in proper form to the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees at the January meeting. It shall also audit the records at such other times as the Board of Trustees requests. The Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the President.




                The President will appoint a Show or Exhibit Chairperson as soon as deemed advisable. The Chairperson of this Committee shall present to the Executive Board an estimated cost of anticipated expenses. If the Board approves the estimate, a separate show or exhibit fund may be set up. Thirty days after the show or exhibit, the Chairperson shall submit to the Executive Board a written report of all actual expenses and receipts, close out the show or exhibit fund and turn over all the monies to the Treasurer. The Chairperson shall also read his report in the Society’s meeting. A copy of the Committee report shall be placed in the Society’s minute book.



                The House Committee shall secure hosts and hostesses, secure refreshments, and see that the meeting place is put back in order, at each Society meeting.



                The Publicity Committee will publicize the activities and meetings of the Society via available news media.

                The Advertising Committee shall sell advertisements and collect monies due and keep a current record. The chair shall turn monies over to the Treasurer for deposit in the Society’s bank account.



                Workshops under the supervision of the Committee shall be conducted for the benefit of all persons interested in the study and culture of orchids. The Committee shall determine the number and topics of the workshop and shall secure necessary materials.



                The Sunshine Committee shall send cards/flowers as voted by the Executive Board to the sick or sorrowing members.


A R T I C L E   X



                A Nomination Committee of three members shall be appointed by the Executive Board at its March meeting and announced to the Society at its April meeting. This Committee shall nominate, based on agreement to serve, a President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Trustees to serve a two-year term, for the ensuing two year beginning July 1st. The nominations of the Committee shall be presented to the Society at the May meeting; Nominations may be made from the floor at the May meeting, provided consent of the nominee has been secured prior to the nomination. General election of the Officers and two Trustees shall occur in even numbered years, and the nomination and election of the other two Trustees shall occur in odd numbered years.

                Election shall be by written ballot cast in person by fifty (50) percent plus one of the members present and voting, or by acclamation if so moved and carried, at the June meeting of the Society. No person shall be voted on for any office unless nominated aforesaid.

                 Should a vacancy occur during the term of office, the Executive Board will recommend a nomination for Society vote as stated in ARTICLE II.



A R T I C L E   XI



                These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any time, provided such alteration or amendment shall be printed in the newsletter, presented in writing at one meeting and passed at a subsequent meeting by a majority vote of the members present, and provided that such amendment is not in conflict with any Charter of Incorporation.

Amended February, 2013